10 Ways to Keep Going (When All You Want to do is Quit)

  1. Avoid the type of black and white thinking that makes you more likely to give up
    Remember that just because you’re treading water right now, a breakthrough could come at any time. Avoid black and white thinking of the type that states something is only ever one way or will be that way forever.
  2. Learn to recognize the difference between setbacks and failure
    Every single successful person has a story of early setbacks: J.K. Rowling got rejected by numerous book publishers, Thomas Edison made 1000 unsuccessful attempts before he invented the lightbulb. Five years from now, you could be standing on a stage, telling the story of how you nearly gave up. Picture yourself doing it and rehearse what you’d say about why you didn’t quit when you could have.
  3. Visualize success
    In the same way, form a really vivid picture of what achieving your goal will feel like or be like. Make sure that it feels totally real and close to you and you’ll know that you can do it. Call upon that same picture anytime your resolve starts to flounder.
  4. Share your thoughts about giving up
    Never underestimate the power of a pep talk from someone who knows you well or a mentor. Having a cheerleader around to encourage you can make the world of difference and spur you on to make it over the finish line.
  5. Form a new plan for carrying on
    If you’re struggling, and are really in doubt, it’s understandable: No one wants to continue putting major effort into a project that’s ultimately fruitless. So, when you’re feeling more relaxed, decide on a plan for moving forward.

    Whether it’s time-based or dependent on certain results, make a vow to stay the course with this until you’ve seen that plan through, and then look at your next move objectively.

    Forming a plan starts with building strong habits, this book helped me do that:

    Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones

    Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones


    Perseverance and the ability to keep going when things get tough is a key trait of successful people. Something you can also rely on is that things that are worth having don’t tend to come easy. If you’ve made it this far already, then maybe it’s worth seeing what lies a little further down the road.

    What do you do to pull yourself back from quitting and stay motivated? Let us know in the comments!

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